Have you been scammed by The Ice Crew?
I hope to welcome all of you to my website. Have you fallen victim to The Ice Crew? The Ice Crew are a group of unemployed people established in the inner west of Sydney (Dulwich Hill). They are a bunch of no hoping junkies that have never worked a day in there lives, steal from hard working people and ruin innocent peoples lives! There choice of drug: Methamphetamine (ICE)

Our services include..
But not limited too..

We manipulate the mark and have them think there apart of the team.

We give our mark motivation to want to move on with his/her life with confidence and drive.

We teach them the true meaning of respect and manners through out the entire program.
We can infiltrate any of there devices most of the time..
We have state of the art hackers working for our team, they can infiltrate any system, phone or comunication device to gain the upper hand of the Mark.

We are a animal friendly group and respect our ferline friends..
We have the up most respect for our ferline animal friends and treat them so.. So you dont have to worry about your loved ones getting in the way of our operations.

We care about your electronic devives..
As so, most or all actions made by our crew to there drvices can be undone by a simple factory reset most of the time.

What Our Clients Says?
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